Thursday, July 7, 2016

RMAN block recovery background Processing information in details.....

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Tue Dec 30 00:34:35 2014

Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

RMAN-06005: connected to target database: TESTDB (DBID=1878775056)

RMAN> blockrecover corruption list;

RMAN-03090: Starting recover at 30-DEC-14
RMAN-06009: using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
RMAN-08030: allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
RMAN-08500: channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=63 device type=DISK

RMAN-08106: channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring block(s)
RMAN-08108: channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying block(s) to restore from backup set
RMAN-08533: restoring blocks of datafile 00006
RMAN-08003: channel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /backup/TESTDB/TESTDB_df_0ipr1uor_1_1.bkp
RMAN-08611: channel ORA_DISK_1: piece handle=/backup/TESTDB/TESTDB_df_0ipr1uor_1_1.bkp tag=TAG20141225T110354
RMAN-08109: channel ORA_DISK_1: restored block(s) from backup piece 1
RMAN-08183: channel ORA_DISK_1: block restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01

RMAN-08054: starting media recovery

RMAN-06050: archived log for thread 1 with sequence 16 is already on disk as file +FRA/TESTDB/ARCHIVELOG/2014_12_25/thread_1_seq_16.320.867242603
RMAN-06050: archived log for thread 1 with sequence 17 is already on disk as file +FRA/TESTDB/ARCHIVELOG/2014_12_25/thread_1_seq_17.333.867282187
RMAN-06050: archived log for thread 1 with sequence 18 is already on disk as file +FRA/TESTDB/ARCHIVELOG/2014_12_25/thread_1_seq_18.331.867282593
RMAN-06050: archived log for thread 1 with sequence 19 is already on disk as file +FRA/TESTDB/ARCHIVELOG/2014_12_29/thread_1_seq_19.377.867586163
RMAN-06050: archived log for thread 1 with sequence 20 is already on disk as file +FRA/TESTDB/ARCHIVELOG/2014_12_29/thread_1_seq_20.378.867586343
RMAN-06050: archived log for thread 1 with sequence 21 is already on disk as file +FRA/TESTDB/ARCHIVELOG/2014_12_29/thread_1_seq_21.385.867587493
RMAN-08181: media recovery complete, elapsed time: 00:00:05
RMAN-03091: Finished recover at 30-DEC-14

Here, RMAN has identified the backup piece to be used for restoring the blocks. Then, it has restored all the corrupted blocks and finally recovered the datafile to be in the database consistent state.

RMAN has basically performed the following set of tasks to perform the recovery of the corrupted blocks.

When we mention to recover the corruption list, RMAN first translates the block corruption list to identify the datafile (s) to which the corrupted blocks belong to.

DBGSQL:          TARGET> begin dbms_rcvman.translateCorruptList; end;
DBGSQL:             sqlcode = 0
DBGMISC:         ENTERED krmkgdf [00:35:00.562]
DBGMISC:          Retrieved file 6, created: 26029, stopscn: 0, blocks: 640 (rfno: 6, ts: USERS [4]): [00:35:00.605] (krmkgdf)
DBGMISC:             Name: /workspace/data/TESTDB/users1.dbf (krmkgdf)
DBGMISC:             Auxname:  (krmkgdf)
DBGMISC:             Creation Thread: 0; Creation Size : 0 [00:35:00.606] (krmkgdf)
DBGMISC:          File 6 is online [00:35:00.606] (krmkgdf)
DBGMISC:          -- No more datafiles -- [00:35:00.607] (krmkgdf)
DBGMISC:          ENTERED krmkgbh [00:35:00.607]
DBGMISC:          EXITED krmkgbh with status No backup history required - no flags set [00:35:00.607] elapsed time [00:00:00:00.000]
DBGMISC:         EXITED krmkgdf [00:35:00.607] elapsed time [00:00:00:00.044]

As we can see RMAN has identified the datafile 6 as a member of the block corruption list.

Once the datafiles are identified, RMAN generates the list of corrupted blocks, mapping them along with the respective datafiles to prepare for block media recovery.
DBGSQL:          TARGET> declare first boolean := FALSE; begin if (:first > 0) then first := TRUE; end if; dbms_rcvman.bmrAddCorruptTable( dfnumber   => :indfno, blknumber  => :blkno,  range      => :count,  first      =>  first); end;
DBGSQL:             sqlcode = 0
DBGSQL:              B :indfno = 6
DBGSQL:              B :blkno = 146
DBGSQL:              B :count = 3
DBGSQL:              B :first = 1

As we can see, RMAN has generated the list of corrupted blocks (starting at block#146 and ranging to a count of 3 i.e. block# 146, 147 and 148) by mapping them to respective datafile (datafile# 6) to prepare for block media recovery.

Once the corruption list is generated, RMAN builds a COMMAND parse tree that needs to be executed to restore the corrupted blocks.
DBGMISC:       krmknmtr:  the parse tree after name translation is: [00:35:00.621] (krmknmtr)
DBGMISC:             1 RSPEC
DBGMISC:                 1 DFILE
DBGMISC:                     1 DF fno=6 pdbid=0 pdbname=  crescn=26029
DBGMISC:                        blksize=8192 blocks=640 rfno=6
DBGMISC:                       fn=/workspace/data/TESTDB/users1.dbf
DBGMISC:                       ts=USERS, flags=KRMKDF_INBACKUP
DBGMISC:                       fedata: sta=0x0e crescn=26029
DBGMISC:                       blkid=146, count=3
DBGMISC:      EXITED krmknmtr with status RSLIST [00:35:00.621] elapsed time [00:00:00:00.117]
DBGMISC:      krmrbmr: bmr parse tree is: [00:35:00.621]
DBGRCV:         1 RSLIST
DBGRCV:             1 RSPEC
DBGRCV:                 1 DFILE
DBGRCV:                     1 DF fno=6 pdbid=0 pdbname=  crescn=26029
DBGRCV:                        blksize=8192 blocks=640 rfno=6
DBGRCV:                       fn=/workspace/data/TESTDB/users1.dbf
DBGRCV:                       ts=USERS, flags=KRMKDF_INBACKUP
DBGRCV:                       fedata: sta=0x0e crescn=26029
DBGRCV:                       blkid=146, count=3

Once the parse tree is built and the respective RMAN commands are prepared, RMAN initiates the block media recovery process
DBGSQL:           CHANNEL> declare save_all_blocks    boolean; save_final_blocks  boolean; nofileupdate       boolean; doclear            boolean; begin if (:save     _all_blocks > 0) then save_all_blocks := TRUE; else save_all_blocks := FALSE; end if; if (:save_final_blocks > 0) then save_final_blocks := TRUE; else save_final_     blocks := FALSE; end if; if (:nofileupdate > 0) then nofileupdate := TRUE; else nofileupdate := FALSE; end if; if (:doclear > 0) then doclear := TRUE; else doclea     r := FALSE; end if; begin sys.dbms_backup_restore.bmrCancel; exception when others then null; end; sys.dbms_backup_restore.bmrStart( save_all_blocks   => save_all     _blocks, save_final_blocks => save_final_blocks, nofileupdate      => nofileupdate, doclear           => doclear, flags_clear       => :clrflgs ); end;
DBGSQL:              sqlcode = 0
DBGSQL:               B :save_all_blocks = 0
DBGSQL:               B :save_final_blocks = 0
DBGSQL:               B :nofileupdate = 0
DBGSQL:               B :doclear = 0
DBGSQL:               B :clrflgs = 0
DBGMISC:          ENTERED krmkrfh [00:35:00.681]
DBGRCV:            ENTERED krmklknn
DBGRCV:             Looking for newname for datafile: 6, Translate: 1, dosearch=1 (krmklknn)
DBGRCV:             Looking up in unprocessed newname list, need_dfinfo=0 (krmklknn)
DBGRCV:             ENTERED krmksearchnewname
DBGRCV:             EXITED krmksearchnewname with address 0
DBGRCV:             No newname found for datafile 6 (krmklknn)
DBGRCV:            EXITED krmklknn with address 0

DBGSQL:            TARGET> select fhscn, to_date(fhtim,'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_CALENDAR=Gregorian'), fhcrs, fhrls, to_date(fhrlc,'MM/DD/RR HH24:MI:SS', 'NLS_C
ALENDAR=Gregorian'), fhafs, fhrfs, fhrft, hxerr, fhfsz, fhsta, fhdbi, fhfdbi, fhplus, fhtyp into :ckpscn, :ckptime, :crescn, :rlgscn, :rlgtime, :afzscn, :rfzscn,
:rfztime, :hxerr, :blocks, :fhsta, :fhdbi, :fhfdbi, :fhplus, :fhtyp from x$kcvfhall where  hxfil = :fno
DBGSQL:               sqlcode = 0
DBGSQL:                D :ckpscn = 2560775
DBGSQL:                D :ckptime = "29-DEC-14"
DBGSQL:                D :crescn = 26029
DBGSQL:                D :rlgscn = 2165909
DBGSQL:                D :rlgtime = "18-DEC-14"
DBGSQL:                D :afzscn = 0
DBGSQL:                D :rfzscn = 0
DBGSQL:                D :rfztime = "25-DEC-14"
DBGSQL:                D :hxerr = 0
DBGSQL:                D :blocks = 640
DBGSQL:                D :fhsta = 4
DBGSQL:                D :fhdbi = 1878775056
DBGSQL:                D :fhfdbi = 0
DBGSQL:                D :fhplus = 0
DBGSQL:                D :fhtyp = 3
DBGSQL:                B :fno = 6
DBGMISC:           krmkrfh: [00:35:00.689]
DBGMISC:           DF fno=6 pdbid=0 pdbname=  crescn=26029
DBGMISC:                blksize=8192 blocks=640 rfno=6
DBGMISC:               fn=/workspace/data/TESTDB/users1.dbf
DBGMISC:               ts=USERS, flags=KRMKDF_INBACKUP
DBGMISC:               fedata: sta=0x0e crescn=26029
DBGMISC:               fhdata: ckpscn=2560775 rlgscn=2165909
DBGMISC:               blkid=146, count=3
DBGMISC:          EXITED krmkrfh [00:35:00.689] elapsed time [00:00:00:00.008]

DBGSQL:           CHANNEL> begin sys.dbms_backup_restore.bmrAddBlock( dfnumber  => :indfno, blknumber => :blkno, range     => :range); end;
DBGSQL:              sqlcode = 0
DBGSQL:               B :indfno = 6
DBGSQL:               B :blkno = 146
DBGSQL:               B :range = 3

During the process of block media recovery, RMAN identifies the VALID backup piece to be used for block restoration.
DBGRCV:                valid backup set list is
DBGRCV:                  1 VBS copy#=1 tag=TAG20141225T110354 deviceType=DISK status=A
DBGRCV:                      1 BPIECEX key=12 recid=12 stamp=867236636
DBGRCV:                                      bskey=12 vbkey=0 set_stamp=867236635 set_count=18                      site_key=0
DBGRCV:                             pieceno=1 handle=/backup/TESTDB/TESTDB_df_0ipr1uor_1_1.bkp am_access=U
DBGRCV:                                device=DISK krmkch { count=0 found=FALSE }
DBGRCV:                restore target list is
DBGRCV:                  1 ACT type=full fromSCN=0 toSCN=2408666 fno=6
DBGRCV:                    DF fno=6 pdbid=0 pdbname=  crescn=26029
DBGRCV:                         blksize=8192 blocks=640 rfno=6
DBGRCV:                        fn=/workspace/data/TESTDB/users1.dbf
DBGRCV:                        ts=USERS, flags=KRMKDF_INBACKUP
DBGRCV:                        fedata: sta=0x0e crescn=26029
DBGRCV:                        fhdata: ckpscn=2408666 rlgscn=2165909
DBGRCV:                        blkid=146, count=3

Once the backup piece is identified, RMAN starts restoring the blocks.
DBGMISC:         ENTERED krmzlog [00:35:01.272]
RMAN-08106: channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring block(s)
DBGMISC:         EXITED krmzlog [00:35:01.273] elapsed time [00:00:00:00.000]
DBGMISC:         ENTERED krmzgparms [00:35:01.274]
DBGMISC:          Step id = 1; Code = 2 [00:35:01.274] (krmzgparms)
DBGMISC:         EXITED krmzgparms with status 0 (FALSE) [00:35:01.274] elapsed time [00:00:00:00.000]
DBGIO:           channel ORA_DISK_1: set_stamp=867236635 set_count=18 [00:35:01.274] (rsdf_start)
DBGRPC:          krmxrpc - channel ORA_DISK_1 kpurpc2 err=0 db=target proc=SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE.RESTOREDATAFILETO excl: 0
DBGMISC:         ENTERED krmzlog [00:35:01.284]
RMAN-08108: channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying block(s) to restore from backup set
DBGMISC:         EXITED krmzlog [00:35:01.286] elapsed time [00:00:00:00.001]
DBGMISC:         ENTERED krmzlog [00:35:01.286]
RMAN-08533: restoring blocks of datafile 00006
DBGMISC:         EXITED krmzlog [00:35:01.287] elapsed time [00:00:00:00.001]
DBGRPC:          krmxrpc - channel ORA_DISK_1 kpurpc2 err=0 db=target proc=SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE.RESTORESETPIECE excl: 0
DBGMISC:         ENTERED krmzlog [00:35:01.289]
RMAN-08003: channel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /backup/TESTDB/TESTDB_df_0ipr1uor_1_1.bkp
DBGMISC:         EXITED krmzlog [00:35:01.290] elapsed time [00:00:00:00.001]
DBGRPC:          krmxrpc - channel ORA_DISK_1 kpurpc2 err=3123 db=target proc=SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE.RESTOREBACKUPPIECE excl: 0
DBGRPC:          krmxr - channel ORA_DISK_1 returned from peicnt
DBGRPC:          krmxpoq - returning rpc_number: 20 with status: STARTED40 for channel ORA_DISK_1
DBGRPC:          ENTERED krmqgns
DBGRPC:           krmqgns: looking for work for channel default (krmqgns)
DBGRPC:           krmqgns: commands remaining to be executed: (krmqgns)
DBGRPC:           CMD type=recover(2) cmdid=1 status=STARTED
DBGRPC:                 1 STEPstepid=1 cmdid=1 status=STARTED chid=ORA_DISK_1 bs.stamp=867236718 step_size=0 Bytes
DBGRPC:           krmqgns: no work found for channel default (krmqgns)
DBGRPC:            (krmqgns)
DBGRPC:          EXITED krmqgns with status 1
DBGRPC:          krmxpoq - returning rpc_number: 20 with status: STARTED40 for channel ORA_DISK_1
DBGRPC:          krmxr - sleeping for 1 seconds
DBGRPC:          ENTERED krmqgns
DBGRPC:           krmqgns: looking for work for channel default (krmqgns)
DBGRPC:           krmqgns: commands remaining to be executed: (krmqgns)
DBGRPC:           CMD type=recover(2) cmdid=1 status=STARTED
DBGRPC:                 1 STEPstepid=1 cmdid=1 status=STARTED chid=ORA_DISK_1 bs.stamp=867236718 step_size=0 Bytes
DBGRPC:           krmqgns: no work found for channel default (krmqgns)
DBGRPC:            (krmqgns)
DBGRPC:          EXITED krmqgns with status 1
DBGRPC:          krmxpoq - returning rpc_number: 20 with status: FINISHED40 for channel ORA_DISK_1
DBGRPC:          krmxr - channel ORA_DISK_1 calling peicnt
DBGRPC:          krmxrpc - channel ORA_DISK_1 kpurpc2 err=0 db=target proc=SYS.DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE.RESTOREBACKUPPIECE excl: 0
DBGMISC:         ENTERED krmzlog [00:35:02.429]
RMAN-08611: channel ORA_DISK_1: piece handle=/backup/TESTDB/TESTDB_df_0ipr1uor_1_1.bkp tag=TAG20141225T110354
DBGMISC:         EXITED krmzlog [00:35:02.430] elapsed time [00:00:00:00.001]
DBGMISC:         ENTERED krmzlog [00:35:02.430]
RMAN-08109: channel ORA_DISK_1: restored block(s) from backup piece 1
DBGMISC:         EXITED krmzlog [00:35:02.431] elapsed time [00:00:00:00.000]
DBGMISC:         ENTERED krmzlog [00:35:02.432]
RMAN-08183: channel ORA_DISK_1: block restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
DBGMISC:         EXITED krmzlog [00:35:02.432] elapsed time [00:00:00:00.000]

Once the blocks are restored from the backups, RMAN performs recovery of the respective blocks by applying the online logs or archive logs as necessary to make them consistent.

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