Monday, August 18, 2014

Why EXPDP/IMPDP and EXP/IMP backup are logical backups and RMAN backups are not LOGICAL

Why EXPDP/IMPDP and EXP/IMP backup are logical backups and RMAN backups are not LOGICAL

Logical backup means backing up the individual database objects such as tables, views , indexes.. using the utility called EXPORT, provided by Oracle. 
The objects exported in this way can be imported into either same database or into any other database. 
The backed-up copy of information is stored in a dumpfile, 
and this file can be read using another utility called IMPORT. There is no other way you can use this file.
Logical Backups: In this backup Oracle Export utility stores data in Binary file at OS level.

Physical backups rely on the Operating System to make a copy of the physical files like data files, log files, control files, archive log files that comprise the database
Physical Backups: In this backup physically Datafiles are copied from one location to another( Disk, Tape etc.)

We don't prefered logical is very slow and recoverys not possible

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