ora-00439 feature not enabled partitioning standard edition
select * from v$option where parameter = 'Partitioning';
When you select the “Enterprise Edition” option during Oracle installation, all the components which are licensed under “Enterprise Edition” get installed by default.
If you need additional functionality such as partitioning some time after the initial installation, you can enable (or disable) the specific component functionality at the binary level:
1. Shutdown all database instance(s)/service(s) running from the Oracle Database Home
2. Run the following relink command to disable the option at the binary level:
below command use for turn off partitioning
make -f ins_rdbms.mk option_switch ioracle
cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
make -f ins_rdbms.mk part_off ioracle
below command use for turn on partitioning
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
$ make -f ins_rdbms.mk part_on
$ make -f ins_rdbms.mk ioracle
Here is the list of database options and switches:
3. Startup the instance and check if the option is enabled:
Oracle PL/SQL
SELECT * FROM v$option WHERE parameter = 'Partitioning';
select * from v$option where parameter = 'Partitioning';
When you select the “Enterprise Edition” option during Oracle installation, all the components which are licensed under “Enterprise Edition” get installed by default.
If you need additional functionality such as partitioning some time after the initial installation, you can enable (or disable) the specific component functionality at the binary level:
1. Shutdown all database instance(s)/service(s) running from the Oracle Database Home
2. Run the following relink command to disable the option at the binary level:
below command use for turn off partitioning
make -f ins_rdbms.mk option_switch ioracle
cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
make -f ins_rdbms.mk part_off ioracle
below command use for turn on partitioning
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
$ make -f ins_rdbms.mk part_on
$ make -f ins_rdbms.mk ioracle
Here is the list of database options and switches:
3. Startup the instance and check if the option is enabled:
Oracle PL/SQL
SELECT * FROM v$option WHERE parameter = 'Partitioning';